Earning money online IS NOT an easy job at all. Many of the newbies who were working offline think that it’s easy to make passive $1k/month, but it’s much harder than you think (especially for 3rd world countries).If you want to earn big numbers without doing anything, you only have 2 choices: 1. having big budget 2. Elite Skill! Learning something can’t be free, so you should be prepared to lose some. Earn money with Google Ads can be easy when you have worked at least 3 years. In this learning process, you can earn good money with just thinking about your marketing ways. For now we are telling you becoming a real black hat expert can make you at least $1k/month. but reaching this level needs some skills like:
- Web design
- Coding (basic and mid)
- Cloaking
If you are looking to earn money from Google Ads, then you are not going to need more details about it itself. Sometimes learning something different can be so profitable. In fact, you have fewer clients than web design, but all of those are getting unique service with a high price. Each of the black hat masters is charging $500/month for just one campaign. Sometimes you get bonuses because of a high conversion rate. Just be good in what you do and see money comes from everywhere.
What you read:
3 Ways to earn money from google ads
As we said, everything depends on your time and budget to earn with ads. If you want to have a stable job after 2-3 years without leaving home, just start to learn everything about Site, Code, and PCC. We always tell you everything is needed to get pro, and after that you make it happen 😀 . Three ways are:
- 👓 Being a pro: you need to spend some cash and time to learn it. After getting everything, you start to get clients in forums and freelancing sites.
- 💼 Mr. Big: You have at least a 20-30k budget to start some business. But always read about your business’s technical sides to not get scammed.
- 🤴 The King: If you learn all things about marketing and ads, it’s easy to run a business and grow it up. For this you need to have about $5000.
For example, we in gads-account.com are doing it the third way. We know everything and spent so much time and money to get to this level. Learning all these takes about 1-3 years for those who don’t know anything about IT. In this guide we help you how to do it in real! Other sites are just selling their course and leaving you without any support. It’s enough 🙂 let’s start.
Best courses and links to learn about google ads
We said that we are not looking to be a noob. Earning good money takes time and money, so don’t be greedy about it. To learn Google Ads, first go and read about WordPress and other CMSs. First of all, we need to have a landing page and site to make ads for it. The easiest way to create landings is using WordPress or Joomla. We have so many more site creators that are working with just one click.
1. Best ones to create sites and landings
We are sorting site creators from hard to easy. Harder ways are more professional, and you can customize them better, but they take more time to learn. For example if you know about HTML/CSS/JS/PHP, it can be much easier to do everything you want. But the cheapest and easiest way to do this is using CMSs like WordPress and Joomla. Let’s take a look at the best sources:
- Learn to code a site from scratch (YouTube Course – Free) – HTML/CSS/PHP
- Learn how to design front-ends (YouTube Course – Free) – HTML/CSS
- W3Schools (Best way to learn coding—free)—almost everything
- FreeCodeCamp (Best way to learn coding – Free) – Almost everything
- Codecademy (Best way to learn coding – Free) – Almost everything
- WordPress full course (YouTube Course – Free) – WordPress
- Udemy (Cheap and good course – Paid) – Everything
- Lovable (Cheap site generator – Paid) – With just clicks
- Durable (Cheap site generator – Paid) – With just clicks
You can even hire cheap freelancers to make a perfect landing for just $10. But if you know about WordPress and coding, it will be much cheaper and easier! Money can fix everything if you know where to use it.
2. Best ones to learn about google ads
After all of those site links, we will tell you where to find the best courses and people to learn it all. The hardest part was site and landing creation, but for Google Ads, you need to know many tricks that no one is going to tell you. To learn Google Ads, you need to train it all! Every Pro burned some cash to learn how to do this all. To learn how to create campaigns and use cloakers, follow these links:
- White hat google ads Course (Free) – Good for Newbies
- White hat google ads Course (Free) – Good for Newbies
- Learn about cloakers from Blackhatworld (Free) – Great to find answers
Consider that very cloaking service has their own tuturial that’s free! If you want to start training, just choose a good service till the end 😀 . We always suggest Justcloakit for their solid and stable service.
Tricks of black-hat ads for newbies
You should do some extra to speed your learning or prevent the money burn. These tricks aren’t anywhere else, so don’t try to copy and use them everywhere! In learning something, everything is experience, and you can’t get bigger without trying to do it. In our working years we used over 5,000 accounts in almost every niche, so all are real. Some of the most important things you need to know about ads are:
- We have different types of accounts, like manual and monthly invoices. Invoice accounts are stronger than others, and they can get stronger by aging.
- Aged accounts with spent history are the best ones to run black ads. Never waste a new account for a total black niche.
- You can create a manual Google Ads account with just a clean VCC and IP, but we don’t recommend it for clients.
- If you are banned at least 3 times with the same IP, that IP is already dead, so don’t use it again.
- For new accounts, never add more than a $20 balance. Google can get suspicious with a huge number in a new account.
- Never enable your cloaker before the campaign gets clicks.
- For new accounts, you should create a dummy campaign first to warm the account.
- We have many cloakers on the market, but the best one is just cloakit.
- Never use sensitive words in your first campaign (like best, new, or cheap).
- Never run black ads with your card if you don’t want to see jail.
- For the dummy campaign (warm-up campaign), set the daily budget at $5-$10.
- You can have a white campaign beside your black one to keep it cleaner?
- The white page should look real and solid. Don’t use simple WordPress themes to get approved.
How much does a Pro earn in 2025?
The earning really depends on you. But let’s see how much clients are paying for some black projects in 2025:
- Running and optimizing a normal (white hat) campaign costs about $50-$100/month.
- Running and getting clicks in casino ads costs about $200-$k/day.
- Running and getting clicks in IPTV ads costs about $20-$50/day.
- Creating landing pages for ads costs $100-$1k.
- Selling Google Ads accounts.
With simple calculation, you can earn at least $2k/month with having about 10 clients. But having royal clients isn’t easy, and you have to prove yourself first. Some niches are really hard to run ads in, but some others are much easier. As it gets harder, the minimum payment gets higher.
Nima Zeynali
Hi :D I'm Nima from the internet. I really love to write everything I know, and it helps me to reach my dreams with this hard and smart work :D (kidding). Let me know if you want to know anything that isn't in our blog!