How long it takes to recieve the Account?
Usually delivering and charging takes 1-12 hours. It depends on how busy we are!
How we get the account?
We will send an Invitation to your gmail. You just need to accept it and start!
What if my account get suspended?
We DON"T have any warranty for the accounts. All of them are agency so you need to know about creating campaign or let us do it for you (Extra Cost).
Can you run ads for me?
For White Hat niches it costs about $100 for optimization and everything and Black Hat niches are negotable!
Where is the billing info of accounts?
England,Netherlands and europe.
What are currencies of accounts?
You can have Dollar,Lira and Dirham accounts!
How much is the Promotion?
All new accounts get promotion that can be between $1 - $480. it depends how much do you spend in the first 23 days.
Are you a real Ads Agency?
Yes! You can check our profile here 😀
What is your charging fee?
It's actually a bit complicated so you can check our rates here!
Can I get unlimited promotions in one account?
No. Every new domain/IP gets only one promotion!
Do you accept Black Hat Niches?
Yes we do!
Buy Agency google ads account
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